What's coming up...



First Two Weeks

This first two weeks of school we will be focusing on getting to know each other and learning the classroom procedures. Get ready for your children to create a poster about them self and their family. They will be required to share their posters with the class. Please practice presenting at home. Directions for this project will be sent home in their homework folders. 

Image result for clipart for cultural difference in a classroom

Next three weeks

Many of our lessons will be on different cultures around the work. I will be tying in art projects, group assignments, and geography. Finally, students will be required to personalize this ongoing lesson with another project where they share their own culture and traditions. I will allow students to get as creative as they want and be in control of how they present their culture and traditions. A list of requirements and suggestions will be sent home a week prior to beginning this lesson.


Stay tuned for upcoming lessons. As we progress through the year I will be updating this website! 


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